1. Register an account on NOWPayments.io

  1. Add a payout wallet in Dashboard > Settings > Payments > Payout wallets

  1. Generate your API key in Dashboard > Settings > Payments > API keys

  1. Activate Custody (if applicable) in Dashboard > Custody

<aside> ⚙ Custody allows you to save on network fees for payouts and keep your funds in our system until you decide to withdraw them.


4.1 If Custody is activated Set the network fee settings for withdrawals Dashboard > Settings > Payments > Withdrawal fee paid by > Sender/Receiver

<aside> ⚙ If set to Sender , network fees will be deducted from the Custody balance If set to Receiver , network fees will be deducted from the payout amount


  1. Set the right base currency Dashboard > Settings > Payments > Payment details > Base currency

<aside> ⚙ Base currency is the currency in which the price is displayed.


  1. Integrate one of our payment solutions

  1. Generate an IPN secret key for callbacks Dashboard > Settings > Payments > Instant payment notifications